Categories: One more thing

by mimzilla


The first thing you must know is Walker has a new nickname, “The Radish.” I thought of it during one of the 4am feedings. He has this pointy little head that’s accentuated with a tuft of hair. He just made me think of a vegetable and I happen to really like radishes (which are also a veggie with colloquial history in the Young family). So, there you go. Walker = Radish.

This past weekend Walker had his first big trip — a 3 hour ride up the north coast to visit Granddaddy Thayer at Sea Ranch. He was FANTASTIC in the car taking all the curves and cliffs (including Dramamine Drive) with Zen-like calm. He was introduced to a bunch of Granddaddy’s friends and he had a wonderful forest walk and (as you can see) a great beach walk — both with our faithful old friend Jake (Granddaddy’s awesome chocolate lab). We brought up the bassinet for sleeping and had a little McGuyver set up for changing — a comfy set up on top of the washing machine. We will likely be heading up there again in the next week or two to meet some other friends and watch a movie in their living room on their THX-certified set up — WHEEEEEE! (We’ll make sure the movie is rated G or I’ll cover his little eyes and ears for inappropriate parts.)

Walker is getting to be such a mature boy. He’s taking bottles like a champ, getting much better at burping (I don’t have to coax it out of him quite so much), and he’s finding that grasping on to things is fun. I’m not feeling as much as a bad mom when I jam the Nuk in his mouth when he’s fussy so that’s good. I’m bathing on a regular basis and am able to get out and do errands without stress. Oh yea, and Larry and I are getting used to having our clothes covered in CHEESE.

Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE DAY in my pre-pregancy jeans! OK, so they weren’t super comfy but hey, neither are my maternity clothes. One set is too tight and the other is too loose. It is creating some incentive to do some exercise (I’m waiting for Walker to wake up from a nap so we can go take a walk while Daddy writes some proposals for our Hollywood producers — WE’RE SO PROUD.)

I’d like to take a moment to congratulate my high school friend Debbie and her husband Jeff (and mother Dee and brother Jeff — different people, of course) on the birth of their daughter Sydney. She was born yesterday at 8 lbs 1 oz and she had a relatively easy delivery. Welcome to mommy-hood Debbie!

If you can add one more thing to your day, check out this very funny blog — The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs.

Walker and I are going in to the office for lunch with some friends on Thursday which will be tons of fun. I’m planning outings a few times a week so Daddy can get some work done and Walker and I can do things I can’t do when I’m working like visit some museums and gardens. I’m also cooking — even planning out the meals for the week and yes, I even made a SHOPPING LIST! I know, can you believe it?

Waking up. Must go on walk.

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