• You finally went to sleep on what you called “Birthday Eve.” Your presents have been wrapped. Your room has been decorated. I can’t avoid it anymore. You’re going to be double digits. In just 9 hours, you want to have a family kiss to usher in your actual anniversary of your birth. Your heart is […]

  • Pure joy. Please don’t forget the feeling you had when you taught yourself to ride your bike. You were bored. I was cleaning the Community Room the day after the big Flea Market. Daddy was loading the car for a run to Goodwill with the unsold items. There were a few bikes and you got […]

  • Mr. Pie. You are a confident little guy and I believe you will mature into a confident young man. But sometimes there will be periods of confusion and self-doubt. These can be hard times. It will be easy to become overwhelmed by these thoughts as they creep through your brain, finding places to take root. […]

  • Kindergarten. DONE. First tooth. GONE. Little Ninjas. GRADUATED. Reading. YUP.   I can’t ignore it, my little Walker-Pie is growing up and it feels like he’s going to be heading off to college in no time (although I do wish he’d wait or he will be Community College bound…) This year has flown by. Walker […]

  • Is it possible it’s been more than six months since I posted? I’ve had “write blog” on every To Do list I’ve created and it’s finally haunted me enough to sit down and take action. I will purge my guilt here in a lengthy post but if you only have a few moments, here is […]

  • This little guy is going to be five in just a few short days. I really can’t believe it. He’s grown up so much in the last year and I realize this birthday is as big a milestone (aka emotionally crippling) as when he got his first tooth and stopped breastfeeding. Other milestones were easier […]

  • Mommy, Friday Walker and I were headed to the bank and we passed your building. “Don’t forget to say hi to your Mommy!” Walker reminded me as we drove by. HI MOMMY! The Little Pie has gotten so much bigger and more mature. He’s got a real little boy body (skin and bones with impressively […]

  • If you’ve been to our house, you may have noticed the pathetic state of our kitchen floors. We’ve been in Chateau Fromage going on 13 years. We didn’t redo the floor before we moved in so they are seriously looking their age and I must admit, we haven’t been as nice to them as we […]

  • This morning’s installation is visually impressive but hardly as controversial as Young’s earlier work, such as “Wall Dent, 2010” and “Blue and Green Marker Smudge on Bedroom Wall, 2009” while retaining the earlier, more unstudied works’ enthusiasm and unbridled charm. When asked for an artists’ statement, Young initially demurred, then added, “I deny my projects […]

  • I make lists. I make A LOT of lists. Recently a friend of mine gave me a book called “My Listography” which allows me to create an autobiography in one of my most comfortable formats (however, if you read the prior post, you will remember that I’m challenged by anything relating to “favorites” lists). My […]

  • When Larry and I started dating, he would ask me things like, “What’s your favorite movie?” or “If you were stranded on an island, what CD would you bring?” or “Who would play you in the movie of your life?” These are all stumpers for me as are basic questions like, “What’s your favorite animal?” […]

  • So, Walker came home from school recently and started talking about Martin Luther King. Apparently we saw him one time when we went somewhere together. But that’s not all he knows about MLK. His teachers have been talking a lot about Dr. King and what he stands for and I got to see what a […]

  • A little Holiday Story from guest blogger, Larry Young, written last year for Walker’s three and a half birthday (which just happens to fall on Christmas Eve). We hope you enjoy! Nick looked down at his watch and saw there wasn’t much time left. He wasn’t feeling himself, but he put that aside. He’d wrestle […]

  • I think my son is going to grow up to be a lawyer. The other day, Walker was at school playing freeze tag with his friends. This is not a complicated game and it’s understood that as a participant, you will be chased and FREEZE if you are TAGGED. Walker adores this game and plays […]

  • This is going to be a rare non-Walker blog (although don’t be surprised if there’s a mention about him at the end…) Yesterday, I had a bit of a breakthrough which I am very proud of and I thought I’d share. Those who know me may say that I’m kind of a passionate person. I […]

  • Walker is fond of picking up key phrases of ours. Frequently we hear “You don’t see that every day,” which can be used for a very broad range of things. In this case, I think it’s appropriate to describe the video below (Gigi, you will need to go to the blog to see it…) from […]

  • This post is for all those folks who are stuck in oppressively hot and humid summer weather. Enjoy this little taste of winter… ___ OK Walker. It’s the middle of summer and as you continue to tell me, “July is a SUMMER month and we need to wear shorts,” and while that’s not always true […]

  • Dear Walker. I know it’s been some time since I have documented your life for the world to witness. I missed telling everyone about your first trip to the snow. I haven’t talked about your penchant for boogers or how you’ve begun what I believe will be your life-long adoration of superheroes. (All this will […]

  • Gosh, tell me it isn’t so. The holidays (and by “holidays” I mean the single blur of time between Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and New Year) have come and gone and we’re back into the drudgery of every day life — which of course is an absolute joy with a three and a half year old because, […]