• My little professor is learning a lot — and not all of it from his parents or his teachers. The other night, Walker was in the bath playing with is crayons. He said he wanted to write my name so together we spelled it and he wrote it out. It very clearly was my name. […]

  • Walker is boycotting the color yellow. At one time he had no problem with the bright, cheery primary color but recently, he has decided he enjoys every other color in the spectrum — with the exception of yellow. We realized the boycott had begun when we would offer him a choice of vitamins (the gummy […]

  • I haven’t posted in awhile and I have limited time so bear with me if this submission is not the narrative you’ve all come to expect. First, let me tell everyone that my neck is all healed and the surgeon did a great job — the scar is going to be practically invisible an it […]

  • I started a new job this week. After eight years at Adobe, I have moved to a new company. What’s notable is not that after all that time I was able to extract myself but rather, at the new gig, I get a fresh start. Like so many people, I’ve been able to move between […]

  • Tomorrow is Walker’s third birthday and things have been terribly chaotic over the last few weeks. We were out of town having a wonderful time with Grammie Shirley, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Scott, Cousin Giselle and Cousin Alec (Walker followed Cousin Alec around like a puppy dog because he was so terribly fascinated by a bigger […]

  • In a prior missive, I mentioned that we were reinforcing potty training using stickers to bribe our little guy into peeing in his Elmo potty rather than his pants. He quickly got into the spirit and within a few days, he covered the small piece of cardboard we taped to the wall with dozens of […]

  • Walker, Thank you for a most wonderful Mother’s Day. Without you, today would be just another beautiful Sunday but you are here and I had an incredibly special day. I am called “Mommy” because you exist and I revel in my new identity. Last weekend, I even decided to make up “Walker’s Mom” cards to […]

  • Walker took us to an Easter party today at the zoo. He had his first (and second) time in a bouncy house and met the Easter Bunny, and oh yes, he got his face painted. I’ve been a member of the Golden Gate Mother’s Group for the last three years and I’ve never been able […]

  • As evidenced by last week’s video, I attended Walker’s swimming class. However, he had no idea I was there. He had been having some trouble leaving me in the morning because he would tell me he really wanted to spend time playing with Mommy and Daddy at home so I ensured I was filming from […]

  • Walker went swimming today with his Grammy Jane. I went to watch and, of course, document the occasion. He’s really comfortable in the water and we’re so very proud of our little dolphin. Thank you Grammy for giving Walker this experience. And don’t get any ideas about surfing, Uncle Thayer!

  • Walker has been making up songs lately and when we went on the great Valentine photoshoot, he started singing a song. “Valentine for everyone. Play some games for everyone. Play some games and have some FUN!” It’s been something he’s sung a lot over the last few days but apparently it isn’t an original score […]

  • Daddy picks up Walker each evening and they play while I get an hour to do whatever I want — go to the gym, pay bills, catch up on work, grab some wine and gossip with a friend. The boys have a wonderful time and have recently been playing “guys” a lot. That entails taking […]

  • This morning the weather threatened rain so Walker donned his Batman rain gear that Gigi gave him for Christmas. He arrived at the same time as Madeline and while Mommy missed the loving good morning hugs and kisses, I was fast enough with the camera to capture the sweet little lovebird dance. This morning was […]

  • Today Walker and I went for a hike while Daddy helped Pop Pop rearrange some furniture at the house. We came across a trail marker and Walker read the pictures to me: red circle, arrow, cowboy and Mommy. Cowboy = horse riding, Mommy = hiking, Arrow = direction and Red Circle = No Smoking. When […]

  • Larry and I have never been big partiers, and New Year’s Eve has been no exception. Generally we would see the New Year in with a bottle of wine on the beach but the pitch dark, cold beach in the middle of the night would be a bit scary for little Walker. However, I did […]

  • We’ve been talking about Thanksgiving and discussing what we’re thankful for. I’m not sure if Walker gets the concept but I’m certainly satisfied with his response. We love Uncle Thayer and appreciate his knack for keeping things silly. Daddy gave Walker a very special present — his very own gallery. Walker was so terribly excited […]

  • I’m about to run out the door to see my wonderful men but I had a very satisfying web experience today that I thought I should share. I’ve been in the process getting life insurance, because, well, it’s an adult thing to do. I went through my financial adviser and the process was extremely long […]

  • Walker has started showing interest in some of the things we do. This morning he decided he wanted to have some coffee with his banana. Of course, we didn’t pump him full of caffeine but we did provide him with a coffee mug full of high-octane (full strength) cranberry juice. He very much enjoyed the […]

  • Today is Halloween and as Walker was going to bed he told us that he had a “happy day.” Thank goodness. We’ve been preparing him for Halloween over the last few weeks. We read him stories about the holiday, talked to him about Trick or Treats and put his Batman costume on a few times. […]

  • Walker is a lucky boy but he’s not the only one who gets to enjoy fun things to eat. I saw a recipe for banana/chocolate cupcakes frosted and decorated to look like monkeys in the November PARENTS magazine. They are so adorable and relatively easy to make. However, I don’t like giving Walker full-size baked […]