Monthly Archives: December 2008


Happy New Year Folks

We've been having some DSL connection issues so I've not been able to post but I couldn't let 2008 slip past without one last post. This video encapsulates everything I loved about 2008 and wish for more of in 2009.

By |2017-06-27T08:03:43+00:00December 31st, 2008|One more thing|4 Comments

I’m Old

Walker pretends to be a peacock at the zoo. Clearly I'm old. I think I've pondered this publicly before, but I'm feeling old today. This week was extremely busy. The Adobe Sales and Marketing Conference was in San Jose this week and I traveled the 52 miles each way all week. Events started between 8:30

By |2017-06-30T07:00:09+00:00December 13th, 2008|One more thing|3 Comments

Yak is not just a zoo animal

OK. I've been remiss in posting but golly, the holidays are fraught with time-sucking activities -- especially for those of us who are prone to trying to do ONE MORE THING. The only reason I'm able to find the time now is because Walker has decided that waking before 5am is the newest hip thing

By |2017-06-30T06:58:45+00:00December 5th, 2008|One more thing|1 Comment
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