Monthly Archives: June 2008


Chunky Cheesecake

Height: 29.5 inches Weight: 22lbs 4oz Head: 46.5 cm On Friday, Walker went in to be weighed and measured. He continues to flourish -- Dr. Mimi says he's not too thin and he's not too fat. She went over the nutrition information -- 20oz of milk per day, 5 servings of fruits/veggies, etc. She said

By |2008-06-29T21:00:05+00:00June 29th, 2008|One more thing|2 Comments


Walker started his 1st birthday the same way he started his actual birthday -- by greeting Kalamai, the labor and delivery nurse. The greeting was a bit less traumatic today than a year ago. He only had to get out of his car seat to say "hi". We thought it would be nice to thank

By |2017-06-30T06:51:37+00:00June 24th, 2008|One more thing|3 Comments

52nd Sunday

Today is the 52nd Sunday of Walker's life. He celebrated by inviting Gigi from Cincinnati, Zia Hilary from Milan, Uncle Thayer from wherever he might be traveling to next, and a bunch of friends to join him in eating fruit, cheese, and other yummies. There were red wagon rides in the back yard and lots

By |2017-06-27T08:45:01+00:00June 22nd, 2008|One more thing|2 Comments


About ten years ago I was asked by an industry magazine to write a monthly column about web strategy. I was completely honored to be considered thoughtful enough to author something that would be read each month by my peers. After emerging from the fog of bliss I realized that I would actually have to

By |2008-06-18T21:13:34+00:00June 18th, 2008|One more thing|3 Comments

Happy Father’s Day

We have a guest blogger today: "Da da da da da da da. Da da da. Dadada dadada dadadada. Dada." Walker wanted to be sure to take a moment to wish his Dada a very, happy, first Father's day. Larry had to wait a long time -- it's been 51 weeks since Walker was born.

By |2008-06-15T21:07:51+00:00June 15th, 2008|One more thing|0 Comments

Baby Walker

Every day, when arriving at Sofiya's, the kids all greet us with a loud and happy "BABY WALKER!" and they run over, crowd around him and offer their favorite toys as if they are paying homage to the King. He's been called Baby Walker since they day he arrived. And it's important to point out

By |2017-06-27T08:46:11+00:00June 8th, 2008|One more thing|2 Comments
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